today i gt noe my result~
well,i m d 1st!
but i dont approve of my result!
my result is degeneracy!
1st exam i gt 65.6 but now i juz gt 61.7!
owh~~i m so regret!!
why i dint study well tat time?why i dint work hard at tat time??
en.hamdan say :' lingyee,result kamu dah merosot o..'
feel abit sad~~ it is really worse!how come my result will bcum like tat??!!
bad like hell~!!sh*t~~!!
huhh!!!i promise myself tat i wont allow myself to get such result again~!!
o..cham lo..T.T
nez week my parent are going to skool get my result~
arh!my dad n mum sure will laf at me..
they sure will say i bcum stupid!!yerrr...
i gt noe sumthg tat i dont hope is truth!
is tat a dream??m i dreaming??arh!y she wan to tell me??!!
m i really kena H1N1??
i m bcum more worry!!but nobd brg me to hospital check a..
my dad went pinang , n mum not at home..
now i hv cough ,get cold,stomachache,feel abit headache~!!
i cnt even imagine again wat would happen nez..
i dunwn die!
i dunwn sick!!