
15th May
juz receive a called from kelvin at 4pm whn i was juz waking up..
'shelby! go for steamboat ya~ fetch u at 6pm!'
went out with 4 guys~there was christopher,kelvin,kah wye,yao ann..
4 of them..neither of them i really noe~bt i juz went out with them~
went for steamboat v them!erm,..if i m nt wrong, it is nearby Sunway!* i dunno wat's that place's name~
i ate alot there..i was really full!!i thk i had eaten more than them~~LOL~~i deserve to being a fatty!!

there was kah wye n yao ann~haha!i snapped their photo without their knowledge~^^
* i wonder noe their emotion after they realised this!

look!we was really simply chuck away those food~~greedy me!i took too much of food tat cause these waste~apologise to those food..^^

well..after having meal,we went to christ's house since he wanted to drop off his car~after that,we went to next round and kah wye drove his car~we headed to Sunway~
b4 went thr, had had happened somethg tat i not really wan to post it here..coz it is unnecessary~

went to a pub which i not really can remember its name..* i hv a poor remembering!!poor me~
actually we was considering to get in OPERA~ bt at last we juz went to a pub nearby it~~==

this guy began to drunk whn he was only drink a little of beer!!
he started to spoiled his secret and his fren's to me~hehe
began to murmur there!!
poor man..

i hav a good capacity of liquor~^^V
yishh..i thk i really need to slim down la..==
looked even fat here..sad~~
went home around 1am i thk~~home sweet home!! TEEHEE!!
hav a nice time with them~
juz back from jojo's house~
posted bout it soon!
m really tired nw!!



come and have some random post~coz i m really too bored~~!!
( please click it to view in full size..)
haha...was having conversation with MR.BRYAN~owh..should be called as UNCLE BRYAN~
really hav fun on it..i kept laughing on it..
he said tat he is ZEUS oohh..*owh..tis guy really perasan..LOL!!
i m an angel and he is god~hahah..
quite funny to chat v this UNCLE~^^
okie..actually ntg special between our conversation la..juz feel like wanna blog it only..
and ofcoz i m only trying to fulfill his little request..hahah..
considering to blog his photo..bt laziness killed the plan..
sitting for de exam~around one more week to go..owh~GOSH! exam really torture me..
i m look like an vampirer since i hv lack of sleep almost a week~
eyes bag , dark circle , pimples and blackhead all grow together.. getting in trouble after exam~
i promised myself i will sleep 24hrs after exam..and i willl b more taking care of my face and skin..
recovered that my skin is too dry!! SH*T!
tml geo paper1 and math paper2~
bless me~~
start to plan my holiday ady..hehe..i must spend my 2weeks holiday wisely.. should not waste the time on playing only!must do some revision for coming SPM TRIAL EXAM~
considering to go SINGAPORE at the 1st week..and 2nd week is my study time..^^ i m a wise girl, am i??!



nowaday,i really realised something~
u all just like an angel who always by my side giving me lots of support and caring~
i m really being thankful for these~

i would to confess something at here now~

i noe i m a hot-tempered girl that really annoy~i know it indeed!!
not few of my frens may able to stand for me and my bad attitude even my family do the same sometime~
i found thr is lots of enemies~
backstabbing me,made lots of scandal and blablabla..i was really sad and hurt whn i heard these~bt i am unable to do anythg to change their mind~

facing struggle recently~i did really crazy and out of control~i was not in mood last few week~
i juz cnt find out de way to stop my mind for being so~
thx for god,sending me some good true frens and my bro~u all juz stand by me whenever wat has happened~it is so grate~!!
i really appreciate the friendship i made with u all..
thx for taking care of me and giving me lots of support~thx u!!

seriously i noe wat is my problem~i hav bad attitude!!i m a selfish girl who only place myself is ever important thn others~ and i m too arrogant indeed! i m a rude girl who alway say sumthg that will hurt u all unconsciously~ i nvr thk twice before saying!!i m definately a brainless girl!!

now!i m trying my best to chg my attitude and mind~
thx for the tolerate from u all~!! i love u all much~
i promise that i would not chg to worse bt better attitude~
i wont get angry easily and i will control my temper better!dont worry~




TEEHEE~i am juz so addicted to update my blog,though i noe there is few viewer~*watever~i juz do wat i like^^
today i truancied my account tuition class bt was having study group with my BABE vivian at Pizza HUT~*HUH?!fast food again?! we would gain fat more thn knowledge~LOL!@@ juz rAn through the form 5 BAB1 & 2 sejarah~

before we started our revision,we hav had our lunch 1st~PIZZA~yummy!!

u see~she finished her meal so fast~haha..she was too famish i thk..

owh~i wonder noe y shud those malay heroes be so stupid after read bout their historic??! bab2 which is de most interesting bab for Vivian~she was laughing non-stop thr while she looked through the stories and i was juz like errr-wat-going-on...damn funny!LOL

anyway, i was having a good explainer to her i think..^^ *at least i m better thn my teacher n more interesting indeed~we took almost 4hrs to study for 2 chapter~nehh..Vivian's false whose action too slow??hehe! she spent de most time to explain chapter2 to me~aiyoooo..hehe
after that,my dad fetched her back after had his meal at KFC~

anyway, hav a good time today~thx, babe!muackzz (ps: i m nt lessbian..==)

exam really torture me~awhh..besides studying, i am still studying~regularly routine that really boring~i feel like wanna to shop~i wanna shopping!! i need money too! spend too much on my tuition recently! sh*t~~!!
another two week to go~~

going to kuen cheng high school carnival tomorrow with ji xiong and vivian~
cant awaited anymore!!
tml will be my busier day!



ermm..today is 20th of May lehh..520~consider as a big day for those couple la!ofcoz my bro too..
he told me that he was goin to buy 5 branch of roses n a card that hav 20 on it~he said he is so romantic and creative~i was like owh-nooo...he always show off wat he does possess but i dont~*chehh~~

our dialog in these noon..

bro:' jie..u know wat is the date of today?'
me: 'yea~ ofcoz! 520 mah..'
bro: ' why do u still at home?no event or date mehhh??','ah jie so cham~no bf~' , ' ahjie power not enof..so cha shui..' (ps: he showed his evil smile and tried to laugh at me )
me:'... =='

really speechless whn he was laughing at me..he juz like to show off that he is in relationship with his lao lao..*arrogant man!!!

bro: ' jie~giv me some comment about is that a best way to giv her 5 branches of rose and a card which hav 20 on it..? so expensive!each roses cost RM2.50 lehh..'
me: ' good!!juz buy it la..my bro always so rich and so sweet..u bought it ady?'
bro: ' still considering larh~^8^'
me: ' juz buy her a branch of rose enough la..it has ady enough to make her fall for u a year la..she will happy till die..haha'
bro: ' nonono..5 roses more meaningful! jie~how i giv her these nehh??'
me: ' juz giv la!'
bro: ' put it in front of her door thn press her ding-dong~after that, ran home quickly..wah~so surprice..!"

SEE~~he began annoy when keep asking me for some comment~~i was really felt so funny of the way he begin so confidence and arrogant~buahaHA! i realised that he is the 1st man who bouhgt me a bouque of roses before~it was many years ago whn both of us were still a child!

actually not in mood now!juz bcoz of my parents dint satisfy with my result~ok~i will put more effort on it next exam!!i m now sitting for mid-term exam!but i m still online here..LOL..
*my minds juz tell me dun study lah..oppss..my BM and BI paper have killed me badly~cant imagine my result~BM paper 1 is hard for me lehh..even my BM teacher also has the same idea with me~BI paper still ok la..acceptable!* i feel that my english has improve lots!!

i hav be told by my bro that i hav became fat~owh~GOSH!! i m on diet again la!! so suffer !!!i wan to SLIM DOWN!!!

owh-no~tomorrow BC paper!i hav done some revision and still leave some~decided to continue tomorrow morning..*now is a good time for a rest!
really have had no study mood but online mood recently! muahahaha~~

my schedule is fulled!!headache!!i do really not enough to spend la!! i need more time to spend on studies and ofcoz outing la!! i hav been reject two date la~ so sad!!!and so sorry!!

guys..wat are u waiting for??faster pick up ur phone n make a call or message to gals la..juz hav a chat with them!!^^blablabla



owhhh..my dear god!i m so damn bored~lifeless!!!
i promised to myself start my revision in this morning..but~i have broke my promise badly!
my mind juz tell me owh-no-way..n laziness kills my pretty plan~!*how bad it is~

i have already slept for all the day~i waked up at 9am,then after watched the shows of ,i continue my sleep~hehe..until now only i wake up~
but seriously i really hav no mood to study nexhh.. * shelby,wednesday u are goin to sit for ur mid-term exam la!!
owh gosh~ god bless my result wont be fallen down~

viewed back my document and found some photo~
there are some memories among me and jojo and ofcoz phuiann~

our conversation, here V

take 1

take 2

take 3

take 4
i wonder know how's her reaction when she recovers this post~ *devil smile =)
i think she will bring along her mum's knife and come my house~hohoho.. oppss..forget to intro her~she is my dear jojo!my best buddy ever!
we rarely meet each other since last semester~we are both having busy life!
although we hav less meet each other,but we are still contact each other through phone~hehe!!

hehe~my screen is chuckei and dalphane's photo~
cant do anything~i m falling for them!
i hav change my screen saver la..^^
now is my bro's and my turn~

and this is my honey phuiann~hehe!
she is a pretty!and she has a pair big big eyes that i alway envy!!
we love to chit-chat and alway video call..yesterday we did our video cam too~
we have alot of topic to discuzz..ermm..such as animals?
*hahaaha..i think only she can get mine..
yea! she love to listen to my animals' stories~ and i lik to tell her and look at her emotion~

miss them so much, and ofcoz my chkl's frens!
god!please let the time pass faster~
please end up SPM faster!
i cnt wait for my life after completed my secondary school life!!

found some outing photo~
and seriously i miss that moment alot!!
i wonder know how could it happen~
what's goin on?!
sorry to them~


photo shooting

today was going for a shooting..
erm~juz a normal shoot!my mum got a voucer so she asked my bro n i went for it~
it was all free of charge~so good,rite?

please dont feel happy whn u get sumthg tat is free~coz they have ever be serious nor quality~

m i look different from this photo??haha!i cnt even recognised whn i saw it~i hate my teeth!*stupid camera man kept ask me to smile n showed my teeth~yerr!!

my shoot was so s*ck!!gosh~ there has no others word can describe except s*ck..guess wat?! i m totally too fat for it!!ZOMG!!felt lik goin to suicide!!arg~

ok~i should not be so rude! sry~hehe~! anyway,it is still acceptable~and i realised tat was not their false!is de modal's problem!haha.im nt a good modal~

my bro has too! bt his photo was ever better thn mine! *n i was murmuring thr!!he is too handsome!his potential always be higher thn mine!!

nvm!i hav been get use to it!guess wat?! he is too handsome~~hhaha!proud to have such handsome bro~

after went back, trying out my own shooting..hehe..












today is teachers' day~my skool is goin to celebrate for it tomorrow~considering to skip it and hav a rest at home..*good idea, rite?
so bored whn everyone is sitting at the stupid multipurpose hall n doing nothing thr~so i decide to skip it~~!hahaha~i think almost half of the students from my class would not goin too~
osh..my eyes goin to close and my brain almost cant function ady..
goin to sleep ~ zZZZ
good nite peeps!

yesterday, i went out with some guys..
and i would lik to post it soon..juz let me get some photo 1st~
juz wait for it..


mother's day

9th of MAY
is a big day for every MUMMY~every1 celebrate for tis big day and guess wat?i celebrated it too..^^
before went for celebrated it, i was pleased to attend a seminar of SPM BM~
i paid rm108 for tat!awh~my heart was bleeding whn i was paying with my pocket money..
bt so how~it was totally worth for it~

* i hope tat it really usefull to help me get A in my spm~if nt..hehe..i will find someone else to kidnape tat instructor!!XD

i was sitting thr n listening to tat instructors for 10hrs..OMG~i almost fell asleep after 3hrs.luckily,i nvr really fell asleep~god bless!haha
i met my secondary lower school's fren who called MR.SOH~i was so surprise whn i saw him..
*forgot to take photo v him..

met alot of familiar faces~bt i thk they did not really can recognised me..okay~i noe i hv changed alot..^^

over all, i gained lots of knowledge n some teknic for how to answer the paper..
here,some photo..


miss shelby and mr.cheng^^

mr.Eugene and miss shelby

u see~!tat vivian is always so slim n tall~~

hw bout me..?TT

i prefer this photo much~

juz feel we are so sunny~haha

the crowded hall

gosh~snapped by Mr.YIn


ignored my fatty finger~

haha..funny rite?!

two guy from top are Mr Chua & Mr. Yin
two girls from left are Miss Phang & Miss Hoye~

the speech finished at 6.30pm~i rushed back to school and my mummy was so tension..she kept phoned me and asked me to get back to school as fast as possible..they was in hurried to go for dinner..

okay..around 7pm,i went to a restaurant which located in cheras to have a meal with my family~

thr was so crowded, n i nearly cnt got breath~== the food thr not really nice..n i juz ate abit~
bcoz i was already fulled ~
neither service nor food was nt really nice~compared to last few year, tis year we really nt celebrated it well~

i hv had no give any present to my mummy n my bro not too..i thk she was really disappointed..
sorry mummy~ i cnt fulfill ur hope nor ur dream..
i thk the only present i can only give her is my SPM result~i promised to get a pretty nice result n gt some scholarship so that u will proud of having such clever daughter~^^

this is my precious grandmum~

she is so young~

gosh~i looked even so tiring~

haha..wat's my grandmum looking for..??

i heart tis~

trying to be sexy pose~

my cutie cousin..

haha~my third aunt..she like to be tat..
cute rite?

err..i thk they will feel like owh-shit-man
when they saw tis photo..

pretty smallest aunt..

oh man~baby was trying the taste of beer..

u see~she use to make tat emotion whn i asked her to take photo..^^

wahh~table fulling with beer cans..

at last i would like to say:
" happy belated mummy's day'